Visit CLIXSOUNDS at     Subscribe to the ULTIMATE sound publication...   CLIXSOUNDS publishes "AudioFile," an electronic magazine designed for Macintosh sound enthusiasts everywhere! Every 4-6 weeks, automatically receive the publication via email that not only includes information on hot new sounds and where to find them, but actually brings to you a few of those sounds right to your electronic mailbox!!! To subscribe, send a blank email with the words "SUBSCRIBE AUDIOFILE" to in the subject. You will receive an automated reply that will bring you up to date on the latest info on AudioFile. You can also subscribe on-line at the CLIXSOUNDS WWW site at: .   INSTRUCTIONS To have this file play when your Mac starts up, simply place the sound file (by itself) into your "StartUp Items" folder located in your System Folder. Close all windows and restart. When your extensions have loaded, the sound will play automatically! Any time you wish to stop the sound from playing, simply press the escape key when it begins. This file was created by CLIXSOUNDS. It is 100% original. It may be freely distributed with this document. It is not to be altered or used in any way other than its intended use without the written consent of CLIXSOUNDS. © CLIXSOUNDS, 1995. Your questions, suggestions, and comments are welcome. You can reach us at: AOL: CLIXSOUNDS InterNet: World Wide Web: